

General information

The TiSSA Plenum is the annual meeting of academics and professionals from all over the world. Based on the constitutive aims and perspectives, each conference deals with one central issue for contemporary social work on a global scale. Plenary sessions, lectures and panel debates excite serious but lively discussions resulting in a supportive and vibrant international network. 


The call for abstracts is still open and can be found here! 


The extended deadline for submitting abstracts is March 21, 2025.

All information on registering can be found through this link


2025 Conference theme ​​​​​

Re-imagining Social Work and Social Justice: The Nexus of Theory, Practice, and Dissent


PhD-Pre Conference

When: August 29 - August 31, 2025

For who: doctoral candidates

Abstract: max. 3000 characters (approx. 500 words), including introduction to research question(s), methodological framework, results, brief discussion and questions for supervisory panel.

Participation: only when your abstract is accepted

Deadline for submission: February 28, 2025

Registration and payment: see the registration section or click here to submit your abstract

(please note that the registration for the PhD-Pre Conference includes participation in the Plenum Conference!)

The PhD-Pre Conference provides a unique opportunity for doctoral candidates who conduct research in the overall field of social services and related social problems to present their results or work in progress. A board of professors of international standing will form a supervisory panel to comment on the presentations and will be available for any further guidance. The members of the 2025 supervisory panel can be found on the program section. 

    The PhD-Pre Conference therefore offers a valuable and exceptional occasion to engage in comprehensive international networking. Important to emphasize is that the PhD-Pre Conference is only accessible for doctoral candidates and is open for broad topics concerning social work. Presentations will be limited to maximum 20 minutes.


    Plenum Conference

    When: September 1 - September 3, 2025

    For who: academics (researchers, PhD candidates), practitioners, policy makers and students

    Abstract: max. 3000 characters (approx. 500 words) for individual presentations and 6000 characters (approx. 1000 words) for symposia

    Participation: allowed without submission of abstract

    Deadline for abstract submission: February 28, 2025

    Registration and payment: see the registration section or click here to submit your abstract


    The TiSSA Plenum Conference  provides a unique opportunity for academics and non-academics from all over the world who conduct research in the overall field of social services and related social problems to present their results reflecting practical experiences, empirical research, theoretical concerns and/or examples of resistance, conflict and alternates.


    Information about submitting your abstract

    The 21th TiSSA PhD-Pre and Plenum Conference accept both individual papers and symposia submissions.


    Individual papers will be organised into thematic sessions if possible, and each accepted paper will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation, followed by 10 minutes for audience discussion and reflection. Individual paper submissions should include a proposal of no more than 3000 characters (approx. 500 words) or less, outlining the research question(s), methods, results, brief discussion, and implications. Conceptual and theoretical papers do not need to follow this structure and do not require a reference list.


    Symposium submissions should include three to four papers on the same topic that will be presented in the same session. The submission should include an overall abstract of 6000 characters (approx. 1000 words) or less outlining the symposium theme and its importance, and describing each symposium paper. In the field of ‘Title of the abstract’, please type the title of the symposium. Preference will be given to symposia that demonstrate cohesiveness across presentations and that are strongly linked to the central theme of the conference. Symposia will be accepted or rejected as a whole, not in parts.


    Please note that the registration system requires you to register to submit your abstract. However, nothing is binding at this stage: only after the abstracts have been reviewed and you have received feedback, your registration needs to be finalised and the payment information will be sent out. 


    Conference venue: 

    The Lusófona University – Porto Campus (UL-CUP)


    Rua Augusto Rosa, 24

    4000 098 Porto 


    See the the accomodation section for more information! 


    Chair of TiSSA: Prof. dr. Rudi Roose

    Secretary of TiSSA:  Dries Cautreels